*Undergraduate student, **Graduate student, ‡Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Scientist/Visiting Fellow
Manuscripts in progress
‡Chakraborty, S., Anand, S., Bhandari, R.K. Medaka liver developed Human NAFLD-NASH transcriptional signatures in response to ancestral bisphenol A exposure. Submitted
‡Chakraborty, S., ‡Anand, S., Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. Stable transmission of DNA methylation epimutations from germline to the liver and their association with fatty liver disease. Submitted.
‡Chakraborty, S., **Coe, S.T., Anand, S., ‡Faheem, M., Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. PFOS caused increased fertility defects in male medaka with a history of ancestral BPA exposure. Submitted
Doldron, M.S., ‡Chakraborty, S., Anand, S., ‡Wang, X., Faheem, M., Mallik, S., Jia, Z., Bhandari, R.K. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced transcriptional alterations in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. Submitted
Giri, A., Nath, J., vom Saal, F.S., Tillitt, D.E., Bhandari, R.K. Persistence of transgenerational androgen receptor methylation marks in the germline and somatic cells of the grandchildren in medaka. In preparation
Nath, J., Giri, A., Muniswami, D., Bhandari, R.K. Correction of epigenetic effects of PFOS exposure in testicular somatic cells by vitamin E co-treatment in vitro. In preparation
Giri, A., Nath, J., Muniswami, D., Bhandari, R.K. Erasure of epigenetic memories of PFOS exposure in spermatogenic germ cells by vitamin E co-treatment in vitro. In preparation
Muniswami, D., Giri, A., Nath, J., Men, S., Bhandari, R.K. Adverse effects induced by bisphenol A in human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro can be ameliorated by anti-oxidant co-treatment. In preparation
**Chakraborty, S., Anand, S., Bhandari, R.K. Transcriptional and DNA methylation landscape of the medaka liver. In preparation
Reh, B., Chakraborty, S., Anand, S., Bhandari, R.K. Perchlorate-induced testicular damage corrected by vitamin C co-treatment. In preparation
**Chakraborty, S., Anand, S., Bhandari, R.K. Amelioration of steatosis in the liver by vitamin C treatment involved correction of ancestrally-induced BPA-induced epimutations in the liver.In preparation
‡ Wang, X., **Chakraborty, C., Guzman, E., Anand, S., Bhandari, R.K. Dynamics of DNA methylation in germ cells and soma during epigenetic inheritance of phenotypic traits. In preparation
**Song, X., ‡Wang X., Bhandari, R.K. Transcriptional alterations induced by developmental triclosan exposure in medaka larvae. In preparation
Bhandari, R.K., Nagahama, Y., and Nakamura, M. Androgen but not aromatase inhibitor fadrozole suppresses the reproductive axis in female Nile tilapia. In preparation
**Bhandari, R.K., Bhandari, P., Tillitt, D.E., vom Saal, F.S. In ovo birth control pill exposure of medaka embryo and epigenetic and phenotypic outcomes. In preparation
Phuyal, G*., ‡Wang, X., *Chakraborty, S., Bhandari, R.K. Introduction of de novo DNA methylation in olvas gene promoter in medaka embryos in vivo by reprogrammable CRISPR-dCas9. *Equal contribution In preparation
‡Faheem, M., ‡Chakraborty, S., ‡Wang. X., Bhandari, R.K. Changes in DNA methylation landscape of medaka spermatogenic germ cells by BPA exposure. In preparation
‡Chakraborty, S., **Guzman, E., ‡Wang, X., Feng, Y., Bobay, L.M., Bhandari, R.K. Transgenerational dysbiosis of the medaka gut microbiota caused by ancestral BPA exposure. In preparation
**Feng. Y., Chakraborty, S., ‡Wang, X., Anand, S., Bhandari, R.K. Alterations in paternal sperm epigenome and transcriptional dysregulation in offspring brain, liver, and testis caused by paternal preconception THC exposure. In preparation
‡Chakraborty, S., **Fricault, F.J., Aravamudhan, S., Bhandari, R.K. Effects of aluminum oxide and cerium oxide nanoparticles on human lung alveolar cells in vitro. In preparation
Holliday, D., Bhandari, R.K., Guzman, E., Rosenfeld, C., vom Saal, F.S., and Tillitt, D.E. Deem, S. Histopathology and gene expression changes in the gonads of Western Painted turtles nine months after embryonic bisphenol A and ethinylestradiol exposure. In preparation
Bhandari, R.K., *Somerfeld-Sager, J., Bhandari, P., Holliday, D., Deem, S., vom Saal, F.S., and Tillitt, D.E. A shift in estrogen receptor alpha expression and promoter methylation in germ cells of the adult medaka testis induced by early developmental exposure to 17α-ethinyl estradiol. In preparation
‡Wang X., **Song, X., Bhandari, R.K. miRNA expression in primordial germ cells during the period of epigenetic reprogramming. In preparation
Wang, X., Leet, J.K., vom Saal, F.S., Tilltt, D.E. Bhandari, R.K. Atrazine-induced sperm epimutations in medaka and their inheritance by subsequent generation germline and soma. In preparation
Wang, X. and Bhandari, R.K. Screening of the embryonic BPA exposure-induced transgenerationally inherited sperm miRNAs. In preparation
Talebi, S.F., Seify, M., $Bhandari, R.K., $Shoorei, H., Dabiri Oskuei, S. (2025) Fluoride-induced testicular and ovarian toxicity: evidence from animal studies. Biological Research 58, 6 . $ indicates co-corresponding authors.
Chakraborty, S., Anand, S., Numan, M., Bhandari, R.K. (2023). Ancestral bisphenol A exposure led to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and sex-specific alterations in proline and bile metabolism pathways in the liver. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Vgae081. (in press)
Bhandari, R.K., ‡Chakraborty, S., ‡Faheem, M. (2024). Environmentally induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance in fish and mammals female reproduction. Encyclopedia of Reproduction. Third Edition, pp 175-179.
Vom saal, F.S., Antoniou, M., Belcher, S., Bergman, A., Bhandari, R.K., and 35 others (2024). The conflict between regulatory agencies over the 20,000-fold lowering of the tolerable daily intake (TDI) for bisphenol A (BPA) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Environmental Health Perspectives 132 (4): 045001-16.
Wang, X. Bhandari, R.K., Mai, K. (2024). Epigenome editing: A new approach to aquaculture breeding. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2024: 1-4. PDF
Talebi, S.F., Kooshki, A., Zarein, M., Salfy,. M., Dolashahi, B., ‡Shoorei, H., Bhandari, R.K. (2024). Protective effect of hesperidin on malathion-induced ovarian toxicity in mice: the role of miRNAs, inflammation, and apoptosis. Toxicology Reports 12: 469-476.
M. Seify, N. Abedpour, S. F. Talebi, V. Hazari, M. Mehrara, Y. Koohestanidehaghi, Y., ‡Shoorei, H., Bhandari, R.K. (2024). Impacts of Acrylamide on testis and spermatozoa. Molecular Biology Reports. 51 (1):739-745.
**Coe, S., ‡Chakraborty, S., ‡Faheem, M., *Kupradit, K., Bhandari, R.K. (2024). A second hit by PFOS exposure exacerbated developmental defects in medaka embryos with a history of ancestral BPA exposure. Chemosphere, 362: 142796.
**Doldron, M., ‡Chakraborty, S., ‡Anand, S., ‡Faheem, M., *Reh, B., ‡Wang, X., Mallik, S., Jia, Z., Bhandari, R. K. Transcriptional Alterations in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Associated with Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Cytotoxicity: Involvement of Ferroptosis Pathway. Preprints 2024, 2024060598.
‡Chakraborty S, ‡Anand S, Bhandari RK. Sex-specific expression of the human NAFLD-NASH transcriptional signatures in the medaka liver with a history of ancestral bisphenol A exposure. bioRxiv. 2024:2024.05.19.594843.
Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2024). Methylome profile of medaka eggs and sperm. Epigenetics, 19(1): 2417151.
**Chakraborty, S., ‡Anand, S., **Coe, S.T., *Reh, B., Bhandari, R.K. (2023). The PCOS–NAFLD Multi-disease phenotype occurred in medaka fish four generations after the removal of bisphenol A exposure. Environmental Science and Technology 57 (34), 12602-12619.
**Chakraborty, S., *Dissanayake, M., *Godwin, J., ‡Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2023). Ancestral BPA exposure caused defects in the liver of medaka for four generations. Science of the Total Environment.856 (1):159067.
**Fatema, K., Auditi, T.I., Biswas, S., Binte, S.A., Uddin, M.H., Sumon, K.A., Goswami, C., Bhandari, R.K., Rashid, H. (2023). Investigations of hemato-biochemical and histopathological parameters, and growth performance of walking catfish (Clarias batrachus) exposed to PET and LDPE microplastics.Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 102: 104250
Liang, F. Dong, Z., Ye, J., Hu, W., Bhandari, R.K., Mai, K., Wang, X. (2023). In vivo DNA methylation editing in zebrafish. Epigenetics 18 (1), 2192326.
Bhandari, R.K. (2023). Epigenetic Inheritance in Aquatic Organisms. In Epigenetics in Aquaculture (eds F. Piferrer and H.-P. Wang). Chapter 4: pp 95-124. Wiley ISBN: 9781119821946.
Liang, Z.; Guo, Y.; Pi, D.; Li, X.; Li, B.; Huang, Y.; Song, X.; Bhandari, R.K.; Wang, X. (2023). Transcriptome Analysis of the Developmental Effects of Bisphenol F Exposure in Chinese Medaka (Oryzias sinensis). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24, 10898.
*Vassall, M.; **Chakraborty, S.; **Feng, Y.; ‡Faheem, M.; ‡Wang, X.; Bhandari, R.K. (2023). Transcriptional Alterations Induced by Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol in the Brain and Gonads of Adult Medaka. Journal of Xenobiotics. 2023, 13, 237-251.
*Killian, D.; ‡Faheem, M.; *Reh, B.; ‡Wang, X.; Bhandari, R.K. (2023). Effects of Chronic Roundup Exposure on Medaka Larvae. J. Xenobiot. 13: 500–508.
**Fatema, K., Hawa, M.A., Masnoon, S., Alam, M.J., Islam, M.J., Hasan, M.M., Siddiquee, M.A.M, Uddin, H., Sumon, K.A., Bhandari, R.K., Rashid, H. (2023). Microplastic pollution in surface waters and sediments matrices of the Sundarbans–The largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 67: 103226.
‡Lee, Y.H., Kim, M-S, Wang, M., Park, H.G., Bhandari, R.K., Wu, R.S.S., Lee, J-S. (2022). Epigenetic adaptation to ocean acidification in copepods. Nature Climate Change: S41558
*Reh, B., **Feng, Y., ‡Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2022). Effects of potassium perchlorate exposure on primordial germ cells of medaka fish. , Aquatic Toxicology): 106283.
**Hasan M., Sumon, K.A., Siddiquee, M.M., Bhandari, R.K., Hossain, M.D., Rashid, H. (2022). Thiamethoxam affects the developmental stages of banded gourami (Trichogaster fasciata). Toxicology Reports 9: 1233-1239
**Numan, M., Guo, W., Choi, S.L., ‡Wang, X., Baldrich, P., Du, B., Jin, W.., Bhandari, R.K., Mayers, B., Ligaba-Osena, A. (2022). Analysis of miRNAs responsive to long-term Calcium deficiency in tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) trotter). Plant Direct. 6(5): e400.
Nakamura, M., Nozu, R., Nakamura, S., Higa, M., Bhandari, R.K., Kobayashi, Y., Horiguchi, R., Komatsu, R., Kojima, Y., Murata, R., Soyano, K., Ogawa, S., Hirai, T., Matsubara, H., Tokumoto, T., Kobayashi, T., Kagawa, H., Adachi, S., Yamauchi, K., Nagahama, Y. (2022). Morphological and physiological studies on sex change in tropical fish: Sexual plasticity of the ovaries of hermaphroditic and gonochoristic fish. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies. 24 (1): 5-17. [J-Stage]
**Rajagopal, S., Sharma, A., Simlot, A., Mathur, P., Mehta, S., Mehta, S., Naravula, J., Medicherla, K.M., Kumar S, A., Kanga, U., Bhandari, R.K., KaviKishor, P.B, Nair, B.G., Suravajala, P. (2022). Infer-ring bonafide differentially expressed genes and their variants associated with vitamin K deficiency using a systems genetics approach. Genes. (accepted)
**Tatum, S., **Saudi, S., Tettey, F., Bhandari, R.K., Bhattarai, N.P. (2021). A novel hydrogel-bronchial epithelial cell spheroids for toxicological evaluation. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation.57(4):407-411.
Faheem, M., Bhandari, R.K. (2021 ). Detrimental effects of bisphenol compounds on physiology and reproduction in fish. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 81: 103497 [PMID: 32950715]
‡Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2020 ). The Dynamics of DNA methylation during epigenetic reprogramming of primordial germ cells in medaka (Oryzias latipes), Epigenetics 15: 483-498 [PMID: 31851575]
‡Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2020 ). DNA methylation reprogramming in medaka fish, a promising animal model for environmental epigenetics research. Environmental Epigenetics.6: dvaa008.
**Song, X., ‡Wang, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2020). Developmental abnormalities and epigenetic effects in medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryo induced by triclosan exposure. Chemosphere.261: 127613
Bhandari, R.K., ‡Wang, X., vom Saal, F.S., Tillitt, D.E. (2020). Transcriptome analysis of testis reveals the effects of developmental exposure to bisphenol A or 17α-ethinylestradiol in medaka. Aquatic Toxicology. 225: 105553
Leet, J.K., Richter, C.A., Cornman, R.S., Behringer, J.P., Bhandari, R.K., Nicks, D.K., Candrl, J.S, Zajicek, J.L., Blazer, V.S., Tillitt, D.E. (2020). Effects of early life stage exposure of largemouth bass to atrazine or a model estrogen (17α-ethinylestradiol). PeerJ. 8:e9614
‡Wang, X., **Song, X., Bhandari, R.K. (2020). Distinct expression patterns of seven microRNAs during early embryonic development in medaka (Oryzias latipes).Gene Expression Patterns. 37: 119133
*Thayil, A.J., ‡Wang, X., Bhandari, P., vom Saal, F.S., Tillitt, D.E., Bhandari, R.K. (2020). Bisphenol A and 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol-induced Transgenerational Gene Expression Differences in the Brain-Pituitary-Testis Axis of Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Biology of Reproduction. 103(6): 1324–1335
Faheem, M., Bhandari, R.K. (2020). Detrimental effects of bisphenol exposure on physiology and reproduction of fish. A literature review. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology.81: 103497
‡Wang. X., Bhandari. R.K. (2019). DNA methylation dynamics during epigenetic reprogramming of medaka embryo. Epigenetics. 14(6):611-622. [PMID: 31010368]
‡Wang, X., *Hill, D., Tillitt, D.E., Bhandari, R.K (2019). Bisphenol A and 17alpha-ethinylestradiol induced transgenerational differences in expression of osmoregulatory genes in the gill of medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquatic Toxicology. 211: 227-234. [PMID: 31048106]
**Smith, C.S., *Vera, M.K.M., Bhandari, R.K. (2019). Developmental and epigenetic effects of Roundup and glyphosate exposure on medaka (Oryzias latipes). Aquatic Toxicology, 210:215-226. [PMID: 30875550]
**Cleary, J.C., Tillitt, D.E., vom Saal, F.S., Nicks, D.K., Claunch, R.A, Bhandari, R.K. (2019). Transgenerational effects of developmental Atrazine exposure on reproductive axis of medaka. Environmental Pollution, 251: 631-650. [PMID: 31108297]
Bhandari, R.K., Taylor, J.A., *Sommerfeld-Sager, J., Tillitt, D.E., Ricke, W.A., vom Saal, F.S. (2019). Estrogen receptor 1 expression and methylation of Esr1 promoter in mouse fetal prostate mesenchymal cells induced by gestational exposure to bisphenol A or ethinylestradiol. Environmental Epigenetics, 5(3): dvz012. doi: 10.1093/eep/dvz012 [PMID: PMC6705189].
**Khanal, S., Bhattarai, S.R., Sarkar, J., Bhandari, R.K., McDonald, J., Bhattarai, N.P. (2019). Nano-fiber integrated microcapsules: A nano-in-micro platform for 3D cell culture. Scientific Reports. [PMID: 31562351].
**Jandegian CM, Deem SL, Bhandari R.K, Holliday CM, Nicks D, Rosenfeld CS, Selcer KW, Tillitt DE, Vom Saal FS, Vélez-Rivera V, Yang Y, Holliday DK. (2017). Corrigendum to “Developmental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) alters sexual differentiation in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta)” [Gen. Comp. Endocr. 216 (2015) 77-85]. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 247:223. [PMID: 28454885]
Bhandari, R.K. (2016). Medaka as a model for studying environmentally induced transgenerational inheritance phenotypes.Environmental Epigenetics 2:1-9. (Invited perspective) [PMID: 29492282]
Bhandari R.K., vom Saal, F.S., Tillitt, D. E. (2015). Transgenerational effects from early developmental exposures to bisphenol A or 17α-ethinylestradiol in medaka, Oryzias latipes. Scientific Reports, 5 : 9303. [PMID: 25790734]
Bhandari RK, Deem SL, Holliday DK, Jandegian CM, Kassotis CD, Nagel SC, Tillitt DE, Vom Saal FS, Rosenfeld CS (2015). Effects of the environmental estrogenic contaminants bisphenol A and 17α-ethinylestradiol on sexual development and adult behaviors in aquatic wildlife species. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 214:195-219. [PMID: 25277515]
Skinner, M.K., Bhandari, R.K., Haque, M.M., Nilsson, E.E. (2015). Environmentally induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of altered SRY genomic binding during gonadal sex determination. Environmental Epigenetics 1: 1-10. doi: 10.1093/eep/evv004 [PMID: 27175298]
**Pandit, N.P., Bhandari, R.K., Kobayashi, Y., Nakamura, M. (2015). High temperature-induced Sterility in the Female Nile Tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 213:110-117. [PMID: 25745814]
**Jandegian, C.M., Deem, S.L, Bhandari, R.K., Holliday, C.M., Nicks, D., Rosenfeld, C.S., vom Saal, F.S., Tillitt, D.E., Vélez-Rivera, V, Selcer, K.W, Yang, Y, and Holliday, D.K. (2015). Developmental exposure to bisphenol A disrupts sexual differentiation in painted turtles (Chrysemys picta). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 216:77-85. [PMID: 25863134]
Skinner MK, Guerrero-Bosagna C, Haque M, Nilsson E, Bhandari RK, McCarrey JR (2013) Environmentally induced transgenerational epigenetic reprogramming of primordial germ cells and the subsequent germ line. PLoS One. 8(7):e66318. [PMID: 23869203]
Paul-Prasanth B*, Bhandari RK*, Kobayashi T, Horiguchi R, Kobayashi Y, Nakamoto M, Shibata Y, Sakai F, Nakamura M, Nagahama Y. (2013). Estrogen oversees the maintenance of the female genetic program in terminally differentiated gonochorists. Scientific Reports, 2013 Oct 7; 3:2862. (*Equally contributing first authors)
*Miura, S., Bhandari, R.K., Kobayashi, Y. and Nakamura, M. (2013). Estrogen favors differentiation of ovary in the ambisexual gonads of Anemone fish. J Experimental Zoology: A Ecology Genetics Physiology, 319(10):560-568. [PMID: 24039239]
Bhandari, R.K., Clement, T., Sadler-Riggleman, I., and Skinner, M.K. (2011). Basic helix-loop- helix transcription factor Tcf21 is a downstream target of male sex determining gene Sry. PLoS One, 6(5): e19935. pp1-11. [PMID: 21637323]
Clement, T*., Bhandari, R.K.*, Riggleman, I., and Skinner, M.K. (2011). Sry directly regulates Neurotrophin-3 promoter during male sex determination and testis development. Biology of Reproduction, 85: 277-284. (*Equally contributing first authors). [PMID: 21508350]
Bhandari, R.K., Schinke, E.N., Haque, MM, and Skinner, M.K. (2012). SRY-induced TCF21 genome-wide targets and cascade of bHLH factors during Sertoli cell differentiation and male sex determination in the rat. Biology of Reproduction, 87: 131-136. [PMID: 23034159]
Bhandari, R.K., Haque, M.M., and Skinner, M.K. (2012). Global genome analysis of the downstream binding targets of testis determining factor SRY and SOX9. PLoS One, 7(9): e43380. [PMID: 22984422]
Bhandari, R.K., Clement, T., Sadler-Riggleman, I., and Skinner, M.K. (2011). Basic helix-loop- helix transcription factor Tcf21 is a downstream target of male sex determining gene Sry. PLoS One, 6(5): e19935. pp1-11. [PMID: 21637323]
Clement, T*., Bhandari, R.K.*, Riggleman, I., and Skinner, M.K. (2011). Sry directly regulates Neurotrophin-3 promoter during male sex determination and testis development. Biology of Reproduction, 85: 277-284. (*Equally contributing first authors). [PMID: 21508350]
Bhandari, R.K., Schinke, E.N., Haque, MM, and Skinner, M.K. (2012). SRY-induced TCF21 genome-wide targets and cascade of bHLH factors during Sertoli cell differentiation and male sex determination in the rat. Biology of Reproduction, 87: 131-136. [PMID: 23034159]
Bhandari, R.K., Haque, M.M., and Skinner, M.K. (2012). Global genome analysis of the downstream binding targets of testis determining factor SRY and SOX9. PLoS One, 7(9): e43380. [PMID: 22984422]
**Westring, C.G., Ando, H., Kitahashi, T., Bhandari, R.K., Ueda, H., Urano, A., Dores, R.M., Sher, A.A. and Danielson, P.B. (2008). Seasonal changes in CRF-I and urotensin I transcript levels in masu salmon: Correlation with cortisol secretion during spawning. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 155: 126-140.
*Kojima, Y. Bhandari, R.K., Kobayashi, Y. and Nakamura M. (2008). A male-to-female sex reversal of the primary male wrasse with estrogen treatments. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 156:628-632. (Undergraduate student)
**Nakamura M. Alam, M.A., Kobayashi, Y. and Bhandari, R.K. (2007). Roles of sex hormones in sex change of grouper,Epinephelus merra. Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan, Special issue 15: 23-27.
Bhandari, R.K., Alam, M.A., Soyano K., and Nakamura, M., (2006). Induction of female-to-male sex change in the honeycomb grouper (Epinephelus merra) by 11-ketotestosterone treatments. Zoological Science, 23: 65-69.
Bhandari, R.K., Nakamura, M., Kobayashi, T., and Nagahama, Y. (2006). Suppression of steroidogenic enzyme expression during androgen-induced sex reversal in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 145: 20-24.
*Komatsu, T. Bhandari, R.K., Nakamura, M.(2006). Acceleration of precocious spermatoenesis in under-yearling Golden Rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus, Bloch) by GnRHa treatments. Aquaculture, 257: 558-565. (Ph.D. Student)
*Alam, M.A., Bhandari, R.K., Kobayashi, Y., Soyano K., and Nakamura, M., (2006). Induction of sex change within two full moons during breeding season and spawning in grouper. Aquaculture, 255: 532-535. (Ph.D. Student)
*Alam, M.A., Bhandari, R.K., Kobayashi, Y., Soyano, K., and Nakamura, M. (2006). Changes in androgen-producing cell size and circulating 11-ketotestosterone levels during female-to- male sex change in Honeycomb grouper (Epinephelus merra). Molecular Reproduction, and Development. 73(2):206-14. (Ph.D. Student)
**Nakamura M., Kobayashi, Y., Miura, S. Alam, M.A., and Bhandari R.K. (2006). Sex change in coral reef fish. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 31: 117-122.
Bhandari, R.K., Alam, M.A., Higa, M. Soyano, K., Nakamura, M. (2005). Evidence that the estradiol-17β regulates the sex change of honeycomb grouper Epinephelus merra), a protogynous hermaphrodite fish. Journal of Experimental Zoology, 330A: 497-503.
**Jodo, A.., Kitahashi, T., Taniyama, S., Bhandari, R.K., Ueda, H., Urano, A. and Ando, H. (2005). Seasonal variations in the expression of five subtypes of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor genes in the brain of masu salmon from immaturity to spawning. Zoological Science, 22: 1331-1338.
**Luo, Q., Ban, M., Ando, H., Kitahashi, T., Bhandari, R.K., McCormick, S.D. and Urano, A. (2005). Distinct effects of 4-nonylphenol and estradiol-17β on expression of estrogen receptor a gene in smolting sockeye salmon. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 140c: 123-130.
*Alam, M.A., Komuro, H., Bhandari, R.K., Nakamura, S., Soyano, K., and Nakamura, M. (2005). Immunohistochemical evidence identifying the site of androgen production in the ovary of the protogynous grouper Epinephelus merra. Cell and Tissue Research 320: 323-329. (Masters Student)
Bhandari, R.K., Komuro, H., Higa, M.,and Nakamura, M. (2004). Sex inversion of sexually immature honeycomb grouper (Epinephelus merra) by aromatase inhibitor. Zoological Science, 21 (3): 305-310.
Bhandari, R.K., Higa, M., Nakamura, S. and Nakamura, M. (2004). Aromatase inhibitor induces complete sex change in a protogynous honeycomb grouper, Epinephelus merra. Molecular Reproduction and development, 67(3): 303-307.
Bhandari, R.K. Komuro, H., Nakamura, S., Higa, M., and Nakamura (2003). Gonadal restructuring and correlative steroid hormone profiles during natural sex change in protogynous honeycomb grouper, Epinephelus merra. Zoological Science, 20: 1399-1404.
Bhandari, R.K., Higa, M., Komuro, H., Nakamura, S. and Nakamura, M. (2003). Treatments with an aromatase inhibitor induces complete sex change in protogynous honeycomb grouper (Epinephelus merra). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 28: 141-142.
Bhandari, R.K., Taniyama, S., Kitahashi, T., Ando, H., Yamauchi, K., Zohar, Y., Ueda, H., and Urano, A. (2003). Seasonal changes of responses to gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog in expression of growth hormone/prolactin/somatolactin genes in the pituitary of masu salmon. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 130: 55-63.
*Miura, S., Komatsu, T., Higa, M., Bhandari, R.K., Nakamura, S. and Nakamura, M. (2003). Gonadal sex differentiation in protandrous anemone fish, Amphiprion clarkii. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 28: 165-166.
Bhandari, R.K., Ushikoshi, I., Fukuoka, H., Koide, N., Yamauchi, K., and Ueda, H. (2002). Effects of Rhizopus extract administration on somatic growth and sexual maturation in lacustrine sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka. Fisheries Science, 68 (4): 776-782.
2000 (as an undergraduate)
Publication as an undergraduate student
Nahar, Z., Shah, A.K.M.A., Bhandari, R.K., Ali, M.H., Dewan, S. (2000). Effects of different feeds on growth, survival, and production of African catfish,(Clarias gariepinus, Burchell) Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 4: 121-126.
Saha, D.K., Shah, A.K.M.A., Islam, M.S., Bhandari, R.K., and Rahman, M.S.(1999). Effects of fertilization on production of Indian major carps. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries 22: 33-38.